Anti Ragging

Anti Ragging Measures


Anti-Ragging Initiatives

Ragging is banned in the institute. Anyone indulging in ragging will be punished appropriately alongwith filing a First Information Report (FIR) with the local police authorities. The punishment may  include :
·         Outright expulsion from the institute.
·         Barring from appearing fro placement interviews.
·         Withholding results, scholarships or other benefits.
·         Fine with a public apology.
·         Suspension from the classes for a limited period.
·         Suspension from the institute for a period.
·         Suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess.
2.     Afidavit is taken from the students as per the provisions of anti-ragging verdict by the Hon'ble Supreme Court
3.      Supreme Court's Order on ragging based on the Raghvan Committee's report

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